Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Best Friend

 Hello everyone again today i wanted to talk about my best friend MOCO   Moco he also has a blog to his blog is really cool and so is Moco ok i wish Moco was here with us but he is busy  writting another post i bet it will be great now lets talk about Moco well on a friend i would have to give him an A- first of all because every time I see Moco all he ever does is sit all day lick sheila's or Rozi's feet leg or toe and all he also ever does is bark or gets in trouble most of the time but if i put all of that aside he is the best dog friend ever we go on walks we bark at people other dogs and cars when they pass bye when we are on the porch we get treats if we pee on potty pad in stead of the carpet or floor and we play with dog toys well that is Moco my best friend ps. if u want to go on his blog he has two and there names are ps.if u want to visite his websites there are two and i will give them to you the first one is    puppymoco.blogspot.com  and the secone one is  puppyblog.blogspot.com

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